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[ANNO] - Celebrating a year of activity

Started by Vall3ntin Jan 17th, 2022 at 02:00
Founder of
Posts: 390
Jan 17th, 2022 at 02:00

Dear members 🤩,

I want to thank you for being with me and supporting me in this project. On 19.01.2022 the platform celebrates its first year of activity. A year in which I can say that the platform has changed so that anyone can earn from it.

In addition to the above words, as a thank you, I will offer you a week full of surprises like this:

  • on 17.01.2022 the SIGNUP bonus will be activated for new members
  • on 18.01.2022 the waiting times for the membership packages will decrease by 50% for the Cash Surfing system
  • on 19.01.2022 I will create a topic where people will be able to register for a RANDOM PRIZE
  • on 20.01.2022 all offers in the offerwall menu will be boosted
  • on 21.01.2022 I will create a topic where all active accounts created before 17.01.2022 will recive a RANDOM MEMBERSHIP FOR 15 DAYS & will be awards the people who join in the topic with RANDOM PRIZE on 19.01.2022

« Last Edit: Jan 22nd, 2022 at 03:07 by Vall3ntin »

Coming together is a beginning.
Keeping together is progress.
Working together is success.

Posts: 56
Jan 17th, 2022 at 08:04

aah, que pena. Essas novidades só é válida para os novos membros, mesmo assim muito obrigado administrador!

Founder of
Posts: 390
Jan 17th, 2022 at 08:20
WorldWebSolution wrote:

aah, que pena. Essas novidades só é válida para os novos membros, mesmo assim muito obrigado administrador!


EN: These events are shared some for new members, some for old members, but also for both categories. So everyone is happy in the end.

PT: Esses eventos são compartilhados alguns para novos membros, outros para antigos membros, mas também para ambas as categorias. Assim, todos ficam felizes no final.


Coming together is a beginning.
Keeping together is progress.
Working together is success.

Posts: 56
Jan 17th, 2022 at 08:24

hmm, aah tah, mesmo assim muito obrigado por informar e esclarecer 😀🤜🤛🙂

Founder of
Posts: 390
Jan 19th, 2022 at 04:05

Today(s) Event started, click the next link and leave a reply to join in the Event ->

Coming together is a beginning.
Keeping together is progress.
Working together is success.

Posts: 56
Jan 19th, 2022 at 10:15

eeba, mais um evento aqui no site FastHits4U!? 😀 vou lá correndo 🏃 conferir 😊

Founder of
Posts: 390
Jan 19th, 2022 at 12:10
WorldWebSolution wrote:

eeba, mais um evento aqui no site FastHits4U!? 😀 vou lá correndo 🏃 conferir 😊


What you waiting? Go and leave a reply to sign up.

Coming together is a beginning.
Keeping together is progress.
Working together is success.

Posts: 6
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Jan 21st, 2022 at 08:14

happy birthday platform

Founder of
Posts: 390
Jan 21st, 2022 at 11:09
ahmad2323 wrote:

happy birthday platform


🙏 Thank you , don't forget to join in the active events !

Coming together is a beginning.
Keeping together is progress.
Working together is success.

Founder of
Posts: 390
Jan 22nd, 2022 at 02:49

Thank you all for being a part of this project, unfortunately the week of events is over.

Coming together is a beginning.
Keeping together is progress.
Working together is success.

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