Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is ? is an online advertising agency helping people or bussiness to get new clients daily.  We have started our own GPT site to better track, monitor and deploy micro tasks given to us by clients.  The platform was launched this year, exactly on January 19, 2021, out of the desire to launch a long-term project. The platform will never ask you to deposit money to withdraw and will not have extreme conditions for withdrawals. The platform is managed by one person so to contact me use the contact methods in TOS.

For members: it is a GPT type platform that offers members the opportunity to earn money by performing various tasks.

For advertisers: it is a platform that helps to promote you (banners, websites, youtube videos and more) at very low and secure costs.

2. What are the activities of making money and what does it involve?


  • Here you can earn points and money  for visiting ads (without iframes or with iframes) for some seconds. Depending on the membership package, different points, money and commission are offered as a reward.  You can view ads only one time per 24h. At 00:00 server time the ads will reset and you can claim the points again.


  • Here you can earn money for visiting shortlinks (you must complete the shortlink). Depending on the membership package, different money and commission are offered as a reward.  You can view shortlinks only one time per 24h. At 00:00 server time the ads will reset and you can claim the money again.


  • Here you can earn money for visiting youtube videos. Depending on the membership package, different money and commission are offered as a reward. You can view videos only one time per 24h. At 00:00 server time the ads will reset and you can claim the money again.


  • In this category you can complete different internal offers (with or without certain criteria) in exchange for a sum of money and points (they are created only by the administrator).


  •  In this category you will receive points and money for completing the various offers on the respective portals. The reward of points and money differs depending on the offer you make and what membership package you havel.


  • In this platform, advertisements are manual viewed and you receive 0.0005$ for every 10 ad visited. Ad viewing time differs depending on the membership package you have:
    • Free: 16 seconds for 1 view - Also earn 0.5 traffic exchange advertising credits per view
    • Silver: 12 seconds for 1 view - Also earn 1 traffic exchange advertising credits per view
    • Gold: 8 seconds for 1 view - Also earn 1.5 traffic exchange advertising credits per view
  •  All members can use the traffic exchange advertising credits to promote to promote their sites, referral links, videos, etc.


  • On this page by viewing some ads you can earn from $0.0001 to $0.15 per view. It depends on your luck.
  • To view an ad you need chances, each membership package has a daily number of attempts:
    • Free: 10 chances
    • Silver: 15 chances
    • Gold: 20 chances
  •  To view the ad, you must click on a square in the table and view the ad for 10 seconds.Remember that the viewed square will not be available until the next reset.


  • This game is a very simple one you have to discover the safe code to open it and collect the jackpot. To participate in this contest you need money in Purchase Balance.

The jackpot in the safe is loaded as follows:

  • At the beginning of first week of the month the jackpot will be 2$, a try will cost 0.05$.
  • In the second week of the month if the jackpot is not take we will increase the actual Jackpot to $4, a try will cost $0.23
  • In the third week of the current month if the jackpot is not take we will increase the actual Jackpot to $8, a try will cost $0.46
  • In the last week of the current month if the jackpot is not take we will increase the actual Jackpot to $16, a try will cost $0.92

If the last day of the 4th week of the month passes and the number is not found, then the system will reset itself again. 


  • In this way you can collect the amount of $0.0004 every hour.
  • You must fill in the captcha correctly, then press the collect button and that's it. Come back in an hour to be able to collect again.


  • Through this method you can earn money by promoting your referral link.
  • Bring as many visits as possible to your referral link and earn money, of course do not forget to respect the rules of the PTP program.
  • In order for your name to be displayed, you must have at least one registered member.
  • The amount of money received for visits is established by the CPM system.


  • Point contest is a monthly contest with cash prizes. Depending on which place you rank, you will receive a sum of money. To win this contest you must accumulate as many points in the last 30 days. I would like to inform you that the amount allocated is considered according to the active members on platform, so i will allocate 0.01$ for every active member.

Establishing the top of the winning members will be done as follows:

  • If the total amount allocated to the contest is between 0 - 1$ then the members who will win will be those in the TOP 5
  • If the total amount allocated to the contest is between 1 - 5$ then the members who will win will be those in the TOP 10
  • If the total amount allocated to the contest is between 5 - 15$ then the members who will win will be those in the TOP 25
  • If the total amount allocated to the contest is between 15 - 60$ then the members who will win will be those in the TOP 50
  • If the total amount allocated to the contest is between 60 - 180$ then the members who will win will be those in the TOP 75
  • If the total amount allocated to the contest is between 180 - 540$ then the members who will win will be those in the TOP 100

The determination of the allocation of the amounts won by places will be done in this way:

  • If we have a TOP 5 places 1/2/3/4/5 will have allocated the following percentages of the total amount 35% / 30% / 20% / 10% / 5%
  • If we have a TOP 10 places 1/2/3/4-6/7-10 will have allocated the following percentages of the total amount 35% / 30% / 20% / 10% / 5%
  • If we have a TOP 25 places 1-5/6-10/11-15/16-20/21-25 will have allocated the following percentages of the total amount 35% / 30% / 20% / 10% / 5%
  • If we have a TOP 50 places 1-10/11-20/21-30/31-40/41-50 will have allocated the following percentages of the total amount 35% / 30% / 20% / 10% / 5%
  • If we have a TOP 75 places 1-15/16-30/31-45/46-60/61-75 will have allocated the following percentages of the total amount 35% / 30% / 20% / 10% / 5%
  • If we have a TOP 100 places 1-20/21-40/41-60/61-80/81-100 will have allocated the following percentages of the total amount 35% / 30% / 20% / 10% / 5%


  • Offerwall contest is a monthly contest with cash prizes. Depending on where you place yourself, you will receive a percentage of your earnings obtained from offerwalls. To win this contest, you must complete as many offers as possible from the Offerwall category so that you get the biggest wins in the last 30 days to be rewarded. I inform you that at the moment only the first 25 places are rewarded. The reward starts from the 25th place that receives 1% of the winnings obtained and ends at the first place that receives 25% of the winnings obtained.
3. Why can't I withdraw the money?

The main mistake of this problem is that the member forgets to add in Personal Settings his wallet for processing the witdraw:

  • For FAUCETPAY you must add your USERNAME
  • For PAYEER you must add the WALLET ID (it's looking like PXXXXXXXX)
  • For PERFECT MOENY you must add the WALLET USD ID (it's looking like UXXXXXXX)
  • For Coinbase you must add your E-mail.
  • For Dogecoin, Solana, USDT TRC20 you must add the DIRECT WALLET ADDRESS.
4. PTC Package (PTC,LINK,TEXT,BANNERS) - Advertising Guide

Dear advertisers, starting with the last update, I want you to know that credits have been added to the "PTC" promotion method for other promotion methods at the same price.

For example now if you purchase a PTC promotion package you will receive:

- PTC promotion credits
- Link Ads promotion credits
- Text Ads promotion credits
- Banner Ads promotion credits

1) Q: What advantages do "Paid to click" ads offer?

Paid to Click ads are ads that bring you traffic directly to a link (url). All visits to your link are made by members of the platform (no robots).

The link (url) you promote must not be part of the following category:

  • No sites with illegal activity
  • No frame-breaking sites
  • No shortlinks or other redirecting sites
  • No viruses, trojans, or spyware
  • No adult content

How to create a Paid to Click Ad:

Step 1: To be able to purchase credits, you must first make a deposit so log in to your account, access the "Add funds" category from the dashboard or click on the following link Please select the desired amount and the portal through which you want to add money to your purchase account and finish the process.

Step 2: Now that you have added money to the purchase account, visit the "Advertise" category from the main menu or enter the following link Select the amount of credits you want from the "Paid to click Ads" column and complete the process of purchasing credits.

Step 3: From the dashboard we will enter the "Advertiser Panel" or using the following link and choose the button "Paid to click Ads or PTC".

Step 4: We will now click on "Click here to add a new advertisement" or on the following link and fill in the form to create the PTC advertisement.

Step 5: After sending the ad creation form, you will be redirected back to the "Manage" section and notice that your ad appears, which you must validate by pressing the "Click here to validate this ad" button complete the surf security capcha (click the upside down picture) and done your ad is now validated.

Step 6: After the validation of the ad from "Manage" you need to click on "Allocate" and allocate credits to run your ad.


  • For 8-second ads, 1 credit is used for each click.
  • For 16-second ads, 2 credits are used for each click.
  • For 31-second ads, 4 credits are used for each click.
  • For 61-second ads, 8 credits are used for each click.

2) Q: What advantages do "Link ads" ads offer?

Link ads displays your link to our website visitors and if they find it interesting they will access it.

The link (url) you promote must not be part of the following category:

  • No sites with illegal activity
  • No frame-breaking sites
  • No shortlinks or other redirecting sites
  • No viruses, trojans, or spyware
  • No adult content

How to create a Link Ad:

Step 1: Go to the "Advertiser Panel" or using the following link and choose the button "Link".

Step 2: We will now click on "Click here to add a new advertisement" or on the following link and fill in the form to create the advertisement.

Step 3: After sending the ad creation form, you will be redirected back to the "Manage" section and notice that your ad appears and now you need to click on "Allocate" and allocate credits to run your ad.


  • 1 credit means your Link Ad will run 1 month.

3) Q: What advantages do "Text ads" ads offer?

Text ads works like link ads the only difference being that in addition to displaying the link, you must also add a text.

The link (url) and the text you promote must not be part of the following category:

  • No sites with illegal activity
  • No frame-breaking sites
  • No shortlinks or other redirecting sites
  • No viruses, trojans, or spyware
  • No adult content

How to create a Text Ad:

Step 1: Go to the "Advertiser Panel" or using the following link and choose the button "Text".

Step 2: We will now click on "Click here to add a new advertisement" or on the following link and fill in the form to create the advertisement.

Step 3: After sending the ad creation form, you will be redirected back to the "Manage" section and notice that your ad appears and now you need to click on "Allocate" and allocate credits to run your ad.


  • 1 credit means your Text Ad will be displayed to 1 visitor (view/impression)

4) Q: What advantages do "Banner ads" ads offer?

Banner ads is the promotion method by which you promote a link by displaying a 468x60 banner to our visitors.

The link (url) and the banner image you promote must not be part of the following category:

  • No sites with illegal activity
  • No frame-breaking sites
  • No shortlinks or other redirecting sites
  • No viruses, trojans, or spyware
  • No adult content

How to create a Banner Ad:

Step 1: Go to the "Advertiser Panel" or using the following link and choose the button "Banner".

Step 2: We will now click on "Click here to add a new advertisement" or on the following link and fill in the form to create the advertisement.

Step 3: After sending the ad creation form, you will be redirected back to the "Manage" section and notice that your ad appears and now you need to click on "Allocate" and allocate credits to run your ad.


  • 1 credit means your Banner Ad will be displayed to 1 visitor (view/impression)
5. Youtube Video Ads - Advertising Guide

Q: What advantages do "Youtube video" ads offer?

Youtube video ads are ads that bring you views to your youtube video. All views on your video are made by members of the platform (so you will get quality ads - which will not reset). Through this promotion method you will gain both views and hours of viewing.

How to create a Youtube Video Ad:

Step 1: To be able to purchase credits, you must first make a deposit so log in to your account, access the "Add funds" category from the dashboard or click on the following link Please select the desired amount and the portal through which you want to add money to your purchase account and finish the process.

Step 2: Now that you have added money to the purchase account, visit the "Advertise" category from the main menu or enter the following link Select the amount of credits you want from the "Youtube Video Ads" column and complete the process of purchasing credits.

Step 3: From the dashboard we will enter the "Advertiser Panel" or using the following link and choose the button "Youtube Video".

Step 4: We will now scroll down and click on "Click here to add a new advertisement" or on the following link and fill in the form to create the Youtube video advertisement. ( On youtube url you must complete only with the words after the = , example: in this case you will copy an paste there only _SZUyYb1y7E

Step 5: After the creation of the video ad from "Manage" you need to click on "Allocate" and allocate credits to run your ad.


  • For 15-second  of video ads, 1 credit is used for each view.
  • For 30-second  of video ads, 2 credit is used for each view.
  • For 60-second  of video ads, 3 credit is used for each view.
  • For 120-second  of video ads, 4 credit is used for each view.
6. Login Surfer Ads - Advertising Guide

Q: What advantages do "Login Surfer" ads offer?

Login Surfer ads displays your website in a iframe every time a member of the platform logs into his account.

The link (url) you promote must not be part of the following category:

  • No sites with illegal activity
  • No frame-breaking sites
  • No shortlinks or other redirecting sites
  • No viruses, trojans, or spyware
  • No adult content

How to create a Link Ad:

Step 1: Go to the "Advertiser Panel" or using the following link and choose the button "Login Surfer".

Step 2: We will now click on "Click here to add a new advertisement" or on the following link and fill in the form to create the advertisement.

Step 3: After sending the ad creation form, you will be redirected back to the "Manage" section and notice that your ad appears, which you must validate by pressing the "Click here to validate this ad" button complete the surf security capcha (click the upside down picture) and done your ad is now validated.

Step 4: After the validation of the ad from "Manage" you need to click on "Allocate" and allocate credits to run your ad.


  • 1 credit means your Login Surfer Ad will run 1 day.
7. Fasthits4u Grid Ads - Advertising Guide

Q: What advantages do "Fasthits4u Grid" ads offer?

Fasthits4u Grid ads displays your website on our grid game to our members.

The website (url) you promote must not be part of the following category:

  • No sites with illegal activity
  • No frame-breaking sites
  • No shortlinks or other redirecting sites
  • No viruses, trojans, or spyware
  • No adult content

How to create a Fasthits4u Grid Ad:

Step 1: Go to the "Advertiser Shop" or using the following link and go to the column "Fasthits4u Grid Ads" and select your desire amount and click on the button "Buy Now".

Step 2: After that you will be directed to the page for creating your ad.

Step 3: After sending the ad creation form, your ad will run. You can check your link status on "Advertiser Panel" or clicking this link


  • 1 credit means your Grid Ad will run 1 day.
8. Fasthits4u Traffic Exchange - Advertising Guide

Q: What advantages do "Traffic Exchange" ads offer?

Traffic Exchange ads displays your website in a iframe for all members who use this method of promotion. More precisely, you will be able to promote your website for free through this program. All you have to do is to view sites in this program and receive credits that you can then use to promote your site.

The link (url) you promote must not be part of the following category:

  • No sites with illegal activity
  • No frame-breaking sites
  • No shortlinks or other redirecting sites
  • No viruses, trojans, or spyware
  • No adult content

How to create a Traffic Exchange Ad:

Step 1: Go to the "Earn Money - Traffic Exchange" or using the following link and start earning credits by using the button "Start Surfing".

Step 2: Go to the "Advertiser Panel" or using the following link and choose the button "Traffic Exchange".

Step 3: We will now click on "Click here to add a new advertisement" or on the following link and fill in the form to create the advertisement.

Step 4: After sending the ad creation form, you will be redirected back to the "Manage" section and notice that your ad appears, which you must validate by pressing the "Click here to validate this ad" button complete the surf security capcha (click the upside down picture) and done your ad is now validated.

Step 5: After the validation of the ad from "Manage" you need to click on "Allocate" and allocate credits to run your ad.


  • 1 credit means your Traffic Exchange Ad will run for 1 view.

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